LAN Commander User’s Guide Version 1.0 for Macintosh Computers Copyright This manual and software described in it are copyrighted, with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual or the software may not be copied for resale, in whole or in part, without written consent of Power On Software, Inc., except in the normal use of the software or to make a backup copy of the software. The same proprietary and copyright notices must be affixed to any permitted copies as were affixed to the original. Under the law, copying also includes translating into another language or format. ©1996-1997 by Power On Software, Inc. 2046 Lakewood Road SW Sherrodsville, OH 44675 Telephone: (330) 735-3116 Facsimile: (330) 735-3136 Software Usage and Warranty This package contains a 15-day demonstration of LAN Commander. This demonstration offers all of the features of the full version for 15 days. After the 15th day, this demonstration will expire and the features that it provides will be turned off. Power On Software, Inc., grants you the right to use the Software on any number of computers for the specified demonstration period provided that you make no modifications of any kind to the software, and provided that you do not use it for longer than 15 days. Power On Software, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind regarding this software. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU HEREBY AGREE THAT YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK. POWER ON SOFTWARE, INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PROFIT, AND SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR SIMILAR CLAIMS. THE SOFTWARE IS DELIVERED ON AN “AS IS” BASIS. POWER ON SOFTWARE, INC. MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING THE ENCLOSED COMPUTER SOFTWARE PRODUCT, ITS QUALITY, ITS PERFORMANCE, ITS MERCHANTABILITY, OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LAN Commander™ is a trademark of Power On Software, Inc. Macintosh is a registered trademark and Finder is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Mac and the Mac OS logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., used under license.